Become a Member

Why Join KIPA?

KIPA exists to be a voice for you. To help strengthen your pharmacy so that you benefit.

  • Be a part of a strong, vibrant community of pharmacists that are improving business and opportunity for independent pharmacies throughout Kentucky.
  • Let your voice be heard. Independent pharmacies play a critical role in communities throughout Kentucky and we want your voice to be heard as we work to continually improve one-on-one patient care.
  • Expand your pharmacy opportunities. As a part of KIPA, and our collective voice, you are entitled to exclusive opportunities for programs and services that a single pharmacy isn’t eligible for on its own.
  • Become an expert in the community as you stay connected with thousands of colleagues that are exploring and growing through similar circumstances. Understand what works and doesn’t work and what people are learning along the way.
  • Grow your revenue and profit as we share resources, insights, and communication that will help you make better decisions and adapt to the pharmacy industry’s changing environment.


We see a bright future ahead and we are excited to have you join us. 

If you are an independent pharmacy owner in the state of Kentucky, we welcome you to join KIPA. To become a member, create an account and we’ll send you a password to login.


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